Normality Calculator

Normality Calculator

Dear Science Students, this Normality calculator helps you to calculate the normality. You have to enter Molarity (M) in the provided field. Then enter the Equivalent Factor. After entering all values click on Calculate Normality button. You will get the normality value i.e. equivalent concentration of solute in solution. 

There are many ways by which you can calculate normality. 

1. If you know the molarity and equivalent factor, then calculate normality with below normality-calculator otherwise try another calculator given below.

Let's enter values below to calculate Normality.

Normality Calculator



In this Normality calculator the formula used is as given below-

Normality = Molarity * Number of equivalents

Normality Calculator
Normality Calculator

2. If you know the molarity and acidity or basicity, then use below calculator.

Normality Calculator



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You can also use our below calculators. -

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