Chemistry Notes on Chemistry Formula and Symbols
Symbol used in chemistry and Formula used in chemistry
Below is the list of Chemical Formulas Resources
1. Chemistry formulas for Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic Part I
2. Chemistry formulas for Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic Part II
3. Chemistry Formulas for Structure of Atom Part 1
4. Chemistry Formula for Atomic Structure Part 2
5. Chemistry Formulas for Nuclear Chemistry (Radioactivity)
Symbol used in chemistry
d= densityv= volume
m= mass
Cp= specific heat
q= heat
ΔT= change in temperature
K= Kelvin
C= Celsius
Formula used in chemistry
Cp= q/ (m* ΔT)
q= Cp*m*ΔT
ΔT= q/Cp*m
m= q/Cp* ΔT
Tf= q/m*Cp +Ti
Ti= q/m*Cp +Tf (then divide everything on the right by negative 1 [-1]) **this formula isn't used as often as Tf**
t(C°)= T(K) - 273.15K --used to find Celsius
T(K)= t(°C) + 273.1°C -- used to find Kelvin
Chemistry Formula of 11th Class
Chemistry Formula of 12th Class
Chemistry Formula of Graduation ( B.Sc. )
Chemistry Formula of Post Graduation ( M.Sc. )
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