Top 10 interesting facts about Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium: The Mighty Metal Behind Life and Industry!

Magnesium (Mg) is a lightweight, silvery-white metal that plays a crucial role in both nature and industry. From powering biochemical reactions in the human body to being a key component in aerospace materials, magnesium is truly a versatile element. It burns with an intense bright white flame, making it useful in fireworks, flares, and flash photography. Found abundantly in Earth’s crust and even in our diet, magnesium is essential for strong bones, energy production, and plant growth through chlorophyll.

In this post, explore 10 fascinating facts about magnesium, its physical and chemical properties, and how this incredible element impacts our world. Plus, check out an informative infographic and learn more about all elements from my book, "Interesting Facts About All Elements of the Periodic Table" by Jitendra Singh Sandhu. 🚀

Magnesium: The Mighty Metal Behind Life and Industry!

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Magnesium (Mg)

  1. Eighth Most Abundant Element – Magnesium is the eighth most abundant element in Earth’s crust and makes up about 2% of it.
  2. Essential for Human Health – It plays a key role in over 300 enzymatic reactions, including energy production, muscle contractions, and nerve function.
  3. Lightweight Metal – Magnesium is one of the lightest structural metals, making it perfect for aerospace and automotive industries.
  4. Burns with a Bright White Flame – Magnesium burns intensely with a dazzling white light, used in fireworks, flares, and photography flashbulbs.
  5. Discovered in 1808 – Sir Humphry Davy first isolated magnesium by electrolysis of magnesium oxide.
  6. Highly Reactive – Magnesium reacts with acids and water to produce hydrogen gas but is less reactive than sodium.
  7. Key Component of Chlorophyll – Plants need magnesium for photosynthesis since it is the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule.
  8. Used in Medicine – Magnesium compounds like magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) help in muscle relaxation, digestion, and medical treatments.
  9. Forms an Oxide Layer – When exposed to air, magnesium forms a thin oxide layer that protects it from corrosion.
  10. Vital for Strong Bones – About 60% of the body's magnesium is stored in bones, making it crucial for bone health.

Physical Properties of Magnesium





Atomic Number


Atomic Mass

24.31 u


1.74 g/cm³

Melting Point

650 °C

Boiling Point

1,090 °C



State at Room Temp


Crystal Structure

Hexagonal Close-Packed (HCP)

Chemical Properties of Magnesium




Reacts with acids, water, and oxygen

Oxidation States


Flame Color

Bright White

Compounds Formed

Magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, etc.

Reaction with Water

Slow reaction, producing magnesium hydroxide

Infographic on Magnesium Facts

Magnesium Health Benefits

Top 10 interesting facts about Magnesium (Mg) infografics

Our Science Book on Interesting Facts

Unlock the fascinating secrets of the periodic table with my book, "Interesting Facts About All Elements of the Periodic Table" by Jitendra Singh Sandhu. Explore amazing facts about all 118 elements, with stunning illustrations and in-depth knowledge perfect for science lovers.

📖 Available on Amazon Now!
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